At every crossroads, we are called to surrender daily, taking up our cross with faith, as we journey towards a deeper connection with Christ.

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Zoe: Experiencing Abundant Life in Christ

“Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (zoe).’”

— John 6:68 (ESV)

The Question That Changes Everything


“Lord, to whom shall we go?”


These words from Peter strike deep because they capture a truth I’ve come to live by. In a world offering countless paths, each promising fulfillment, this question cuts through the noise: Where else could I possibly turn?


This isn’t the question of someone who hasn’t explored other options. It’s the confession of someone who knows—who’s seen enough of life to understand that only Christ satisfies.


Peter’s words came after many turned back, unable to accept Jesus’ hard teachings. Yet Peter stayed. Not because the path was easy, but because he knew what I, too, have learned: there is no alternative. No one else holds the words that bring true, lasting life.

Zoe: More Than Just Life


When Jesus spoke of life, He used the word Zoe (ζωή)—not just existence, but abundance, richness, and fullness. While bios describes physical life and psyche refers to the soul’s experience, Zoe speaks of a deeper reality: life as God intended it—eternal, vibrant, and overflowing.


“I came that they may have life (zoe) and have it abundantly.”

— John 10:10 (ESV)


This abundant life isn’t measured by external success or temporary pleasure. It’s a life rooted in the presence of Christ, filled with purpose, meaning, and deep satisfaction.


It’s waking up each day knowing you belong, knowing you are loved, knowing that your life has eternal significance because it’s anchored in Him.

The Longing for More


There’s a longing in every human heart—a quiet ache for something deeper, something more. For some, it’s a search for purpose. For others, it’s a desire for peace. For me, it’s a longing for Christ Himself.


Not just His blessings.

Not just His answers.

But Him.


“Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.”

— Psalm 73:25 (ESV)


I have come to see that this longing is the soul’s recognition of its true home. Zoe isn’t about what Christ gives—it’s about who Christ is. He is the life. He is the abundance. He is the fulfillment.

“To Whom Shall I Go?” — The Only Answer That Matters


Life has a way of exposing what truly matters. There are times when faith feels strong, and other times when trust feels hard. But through every season, I come back to this question:


Where else could I go?


I’ve seen enough of the world’s promises to know they don’t satisfy.

I’ve felt the emptiness of temporary joys.

I’ve experienced how fleeting and fragile everything else is.


And so, like Peter, I confess:

“Lord, to whom shall I go? You have the words of eternal life.”


It’s not always a declaration of strength. Sometimes, it’s a whisper in weakness. But it’s always true. Christ is the only one who offers the life my soul truly longs for.

Abiding in Christ: The Path to Abundance


“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

— John 15:4 (ESV)


I used to think the abundant life would come from reaching certain milestones—achievements, answers to prayer, or clarity in calling. But I’ve learned that abundance isn’t something to achieve; it’s Someone to abide in.


To abide in Christ means to remain with Him—to walk closely, to stay connected, to live every moment aware of His presence. It means trusting Him when the path is unclear, leaning on Him when strength fails, and finding joy simply because He is near.


When I abide, I realize that my desires start to shift. My will aligns with His. My prayers become reflections of His heart. Abundance isn’t somewhere out there; it’s right here, in Him.

When Christ Becomes Everything


If you were to ask me what abundant life looks like, my answer would be simple:

It looks like Christ.


It’s not a life free of pain or struggle. But it’s a life filled with the presence of the One who holds all things together.


“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

— Philippians 1:21 (ESV)


This kind of life is marked by deep contentment—a quiet assurance that Christ is enough. Even when prayers seem unanswered, when dreams are delayed, or when faith feels fragile, He is still enough.

A Life That Overflows


Abundant life doesn’t stop with me. When Christ fills your life, it naturally overflows.


“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

— John 7:38 (ESV)


The life Christ gives flows outward—into relationships, into service, into the everyday moments that become sacred because He is in them. The more I experience His abundance, the more I want others to know it too.

Finding Comfort in the Only One Who Satisfies


If you’re searching—if you feel the ache for something more—I want you to know you’re not alone. The longing you feel is not a sign that something is wrong with you; it’s a sign that you were made for more.


Not more things. Not more success. But more of Christ.


“For with you is the fountain of life (zoe); in your light do we see light.”

— Psalm 36:9 (ESV)


The good news? He offers Himself freely. The abundant life is available—not after you have everything figured out, but right now, simply by coming to Him.

Final Reflection: To Whom Shall You Go?


When all is said and done, life comes down to this one question:


“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (zoe).”

— John 6:68 (ESV)


For me, there’s no other answer. I’ve searched. I’ve wondered. But I’ve found that only Jesus satisfies. Only He has the words that give life—abundant, eternal, and overflowing life.


“And this is eternal life (zoe), that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”

— John 17:3 (ESV)


This is Zoe.

This is the life I longed for.

This is the life I found.

This is the life I live.


All because of Him.

When you’ve tasted the fullness of Christ, you realize there’s nowhere else to go. He is the life your soul was made for.

A Prayer for a Heart That Longs for Christ

Gracious Father,

I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for the life; the abundant life, the Zoe; that You have given through Your Son, Jesus Christ. You alone have the words of eternal life, and there is nowhere else I would rather be than with You.

Lord, I ask now for those who read these words; those who are searching, longing, and perhaps even wandering. Draw their hearts to Jesus, the only One who satisfies the deepest hunger of the soul. Let them see that all the world offers pales in comparison to knowing Him.

Stir in them a longing, a desire that cannot be quenched by anything but Christ. Let them hear the same question Peter asked: “To whom shall we go?” and let their hearts echo the same answer: “You have the words of eternal life.”

May they come to know the joy of abiding in Jesus, the peace of walking in step with His Spirit, and the fullness of a life anchored in His love. Open their eyes to see the beauty of Christ;the treasure beyond all treasures.

Father, give them hearts that burn for Your Son. A longing that only grows deeper, a hunger that is only satisfied in Him. Let them taste and see that the Lord is good; not just in part, but in the fullness of life You offer.

I pray they would not settle for anything less than Christ. May their lives overflow with His presence, His peace, and His purpose. Let them know that true abundance is not found in having more but in having more of You.

In the name of Jesus, the One who is Life,


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