At every crossroads, we are called to surrender daily, taking up our cross with faith, as we journey towards a deeper connection with Christ.

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The Lord Proclaimed: The Glory of God Revealed

A Devotion on Exodus 34:5-7


“The Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.’”

— Exodus 34:5-7 (ESV)


The Wonder of Divine Revelation


What a moment this must have been for Moses! He had pleaded with God, “Show me your glory” (Ex. 33:18), and now, God Himself descends in the cloud, passes before him, and proclaims His name. This is not merely a vision, nor a whispered impression upon Moses’ heart, but the Almighty God audibly declaring His own nature.


Here, the Lord does not leave Moses to guess at His character, nor does He rely on human interpretation. Instead, God speaks for Himself. The Lord proclaims His own name, unveiling the very essence of His being in words so sacred, so weighty, that they echo throughout all of redemptive history.


How often do we long for God to reveal Himself, yet we neglect the reality that He has spoken? The living Word is before us, declared in Scripture, proclaimed through the gospel, yet do we tremble as Moses did? Do we bow before the revealed majesty of God’s attributes?


The Glory of God Passing By


“The Lord passed before him and proclaimed…”


Pause and consider this: God passed by Moses. The infinite, unsearchable, holy One moved before a finite man. What grace! What incomprehensible condescension! The same God who spoke the world into existence (Gen. 1:1) now moves in nearness to a creature formed from the dust.


The Hebrew word used for “passed” (עָבַר, avar) suggests a deliberate and purposeful movement, not a fleeting presence. This was not a distant glance of glory but an intentional display—a moment in which God allows His goodness to be seen. This is the same God who passed before Elijah in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12), the same God who would later come in flesh, dwelling among us, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).


We should stand in holy awe that this same God is the One who seeks relationship with us. He is not far off. He is not silent. He passes by, He speaks, He declares His name, inviting us to know Him.


The Attributes of God Declared


When God proclaims His name, He is not merely giving a title; He is revealing His very nature. Each word is a treasure trove of divine revelation.

1. “The Lord, the Lord” (יהוה, יהוה – YHWH, YHWH)

– The repetition emphasizes His eternal, self-existent nature. He is the great I AM (Ex. 3:14).

– It speaks of covenant faithfulness—the same Lord who called Abraham now proclaims His unchanging name.

2. “A God merciful and gracious”

– The word for merciful (raḥûm, רַחוּם) signifies deep compassion, as of a mother for her child.

– Gracious (ḥannûn, חַנּוּן) means He bestows kindness, not based on merit, but out of His abundant love.

3. “Slow to anger” (erek appayim, אֶרֶךְ אַפַּיִם)

– Literally, “long of nostrils,” an image of restrained wrath—He does not unleash judgment hastily but is patient with sinners.

4. “Abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness”

– Steadfast love (ḥesed, חֶסֶד) is His covenant-keeping mercy, love that never fails.

– Faithfulness (’emeth, אֱמֶת) speaks of His absolute reliability—He is always true to His promises.

5. “Forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin”

– Three words for sin are used, covering all forms of rebellion, corruption, and failure—yet He forgives them all.

6. “Who will by no means clear the guilty”

– Justice and mercy are held in perfect balance. The unrepentant will not escape judgment.


The Echo of the Gospel


This passage finds its fulfillment in Christ. The Lord who passed by Moses, declaring His name, is the same Lord who would later walk among sinners, proclaiming forgiveness. Jesus is the embodiment of Exodus 34:6-7—full of grace and truth, merciful yet just, slow to anger yet uncompromising in righteousness.


On the cross, God’s justice and mercy met. The guilty were not simply “cleared,” but rather, judgment fell upon Christ so that sinners could receive His steadfast love and faithfulness.


A Call to Worship and Awe


Moses, upon hearing this proclamation, bowed his head and worshiped (Ex. 34:8). Should we not do the same? The Lord has not only spoken; He has passed by us in the person of Christ. He has revealed His character, His name, His salvation.


Do we marvel at the God who speaks? Do we tremble before the God who passes by? Do we bow in worship before the God who is merciful and just?


Let us not be indifferent to this revelation. Let us respond in awe, repentance, and devotion. For the Lord, the Lord, has proclaimed His name!

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