Before the world had form, before time had weight, before the first breath of wind stirred across an empty deep—God was. No beginning, no becoming, no moment when He was not. And then, with a word, the darkness shattered.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” I read these words and feel the weight of them. Not just a story’s opening line, but the foundation of everything—of me, of you, of the very breath in our lungs. God, eternal and self-sufficient, spoke, and everything that is became. With His voice, light burst forth, waters divided, life awakened. And though all creation would one day groan under the weight of sin, His Word would not return void.
John takes me deeper into this mystery: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The same Word that shaped the stars would step into His creation, walking roads of dust beneath skies He Himself painted. He who stood outside of time entered time. The light that first pierced the void would take on flesh and dwell among us.
And when I look to the final pages of Scripture, I see the same voice declaring once more: “Behold, I am making all things new.” The end of the story is not an end at all. It is a new beginning, a world reborn, a kingdom unshaken. Christ, who spoke the first light into existence, will one day speak the final word over this broken world.
What Do I Do With This?
I cannot read this and remain unchanged. If He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13), then my life must be anchored in Him alone. The story I live is not random, not chaotic, not slipping toward an uncertain end. It is His story, written with purpose, moving toward redemption.
If He was there in the beginning, and He will stand at the end, then He is here now. In my waking and working, in my failures and triumphs, in my moments of quiet faithfulness. His Word is still speaking. His light is still shining.
So I must live like it matters.
• If Christ is the beginning and the end, I cannot waste my days chasing things that will pass away.
• If the Word has always been, then my life must be shaped by it.
• If He is making all things new, I must live in the hope of that promise, even when the world around me seems to be unraveling.
I am caught between two eternities—the first light of Genesis and the final dawn of Revelation. Every moment between is His. And so, I press on. I speak truth. I love well. I walk by faith. Because soon, very soon, the One who spoke in the beginning will speak again. And when He does, darkness will flee, sorrow will end, and we will stand in the radiance of His everlasting light.
In the beginning, God. In the end, God. And through it all, Christ is King.
Will I live like this is true?
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