At every crossroads, we are called to surrender daily, taking up our cross with faith, as we journey towards a deeper connection with Christ.

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Evening Devotion: Ephesians 2:4–5

 “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.” (ESV)

As dusk settles and the day’s labors fade, our hearts often grow quiet enough to contemplate the depth of God’s grace. In Ephesians 2:4–5, we hear the resounding “But God” that interrupts the storyline of human sin and hopelessness. When all seemed lost, God’s rich mercy and boundless love reached down into the grave of our spiritual death and lifted us to life in Christ.

 with mercy. The Greek term here for “mercy” (ἔλεος, eleos) conveys not merely pity but a tender-hearted compassion bound to action. This mercy cannot be earned or purchased; it is poured out freely upon those who were once “dead in trespasses” (Eph. 2:1–3).

2. Great Love

God’s motivation for rescuing us is “the great love with which he loved us.” This is the divine, self-giving love (ἀγάπη, agapē) that sets its affection upon sinners, even when they have no power or desire to seek Him. Romans 5:8 echoes this truth: “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

3. Made Alive in Christ

The apostle Paul underscores our desperate condition: we were spiritual corpses—utterly incapable of revitalizing ourselves. Then God’s grace overcame our rebellion, and we were “made alive together with Christ.” This union with Christ encapsulates our whole salvation: if Christ is our life, then we live eternally in Him (Col. 2:13). By grace alone, He lifts the spiritually dead into newness of life.



Ephesus was a bustling port city filled with varied religious practices and philosophies. Early believers faced pressure from pagan worship and idolatry all around them. Yet, Paul reminds these Christians—and us—that no culture or human power can thwart God’s plan to rescue His chosen people. Early church records testify to the transformative power of this message, as whole households turned from pagan rites to worship the risen Christ. While worldly powers rose and fell, the gospel of grace pressed on, held aloft by God’s own sovereign hand.


1. Marvel at God’s Initiative

Reflect on this evening’s stillness: before you ever lifted a prayer, God was already moving toward you in mercy. He did not wait for your perfection; He sought you amid your sin, breathing life into your dead heart.

2. Rest in His Grace

If our salvation is rooted entirely in divine mercy, we can cease our anxious striving. Let the truth of “by grace you have been saved” dispel condemnation. Our performance is not the basis of God’s love; Christ’s work is.

3. Walk in Resurrection Life

Being “made alive together with Christ” calls us to a life that reflects His holiness. We are no longer slaves to sin; we have been resurrected to pursue good works (Eph. 2:10). In the quiet of the evening, ask the Holy Spirit to conform your desires to Christ’s righteousness.



As you prepare to rest this evening, remember that your story does not end in spiritual death. “But God…” interrupts every defeat with resurrection power. His rich mercy and great love have made you alive in Christ, securing your salvation through grace alone. In the calm of night, let your heart be filled with gratitude. Tomorrow’s dawn will bring new challenges, but you face them as one brought from death to life. Praise the Lord, whose mercy never fails and whose love knows no bounds.


“I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.” (Psalm 3:5)



Gracious and merciful Father,

We stand in awe of Your rich mercy and the great love with which You have loved us. Thank You for breathing life into our hearts when we were dead in sin, for granting us salvation by grace alone. As we rest tonight, quiet our souls in the assurance that Christ has secured our pardon. Empower us to rise each morning eager to reflect the life we have received in Him. May Your Holy Spirit guide us in holiness and fill our hearts with thankfulness. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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