Galatians 5:24 – “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
Every day, I walk into a world that entices me—subtle whispers of compromise, distractions that dull my devotion, temptations that disguise themselves as comforts. But Scripture reminds me that these are not harmless indulgences; they are death threats to my soul.
I belong to Christ. That means my flesh, with its sinful desires, has been crucified. The cross is not a place of negotiation; it is an execution site. When I was saved, my old self was nailed there with Christ (Gal. 2:20). The sins that once ruled me no longer have a claim. But my flesh, though defeated, still tries to whisper, still tries to lure me back into habits, mindsets, and desires that lead to destruction.
If I don’t see sin for what it is—an assassin sent to destroy me—I might entertain it, excuse it, or let it linger in my thoughts. But when I rightly view it as an enemy, I take decisive action. The moment I start rationalizing sin, I open the door for it to take root. And roots grow fast.
I’ve seen how sin, when left unchecked, hardens the heart. I’ve seen how one compromised thought can lead to a pattern, and how a pattern can lead to bondage. But I’ve also seen the power of walking in step with the Spirit (Gal. 5:16). The Spirit does not negotiate with the flesh; He puts it to death. And He empowers me to do the same.
So today, I choose to see sin rightly. I refuse to see temptation as merely an invitation to pleasure, but as an enemy with one goal—my destruction. By the Spirit’s power, I will not entertain what Christ died to kill. The passions and desires of my flesh have been crucified, and I will not resurrect what the cross has condemned.
When temptation comes today, I will remind myself:
This is not harmless. This is death. But in Christ, I am alive.
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