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Crossing from Death to Life: A Devotional on John 5:24

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life.” — John 5:24 (ESV)

A Declaration of Life and Judgment

In this verse, Jesus speaks with the weight of divine authority, prefacing His words with “Truly, truly”—an emphatic declaration that what follows is of utmost importance. This is no mere invitation but a proclamation of absolute spiritual reality. Those who hear His word and believe in the One who sent Him do not await some future verdict on their fate; they already possess eternal life. They have passed from death to life—an irreversible transition wrought by faith in Christ.

The imagery here is staggering. Picture a valley of dry bones, a lifeless wasteland, where decay and darkness reign. This is the natural state of mankind; spiritually dead, alienated from God (Ephesians 2:1-3). But at the voice of Christ, those who hear are raised, made alive, and ushered into the kingdom of light. No longer do they stand condemned under the weight of divine justice; instead, they are clothed in righteousness not their own, transferred from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of the Beloved Son (Colossians 1:13-14).

Hearing and Believing: The Path to Life

Notice the two conditions Christ gives:

  1. Hearing His word — This is not a passive listening but an active, receptive hearing, like fertile soil receiving seed (Luke 8:15). It is the hearing that leads to faith (Romans 10:17).
  2. Believing the One who sent Him — True faith is not a vague spirituality but trust in the Father who sent the Son. This is the faith of Abraham, who believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3).

This is the essence of salvation: to receive Christ’s words not as human teaching but as the very truth of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13), to rest in the sufficiency of His work, and to cast oneself wholly upon Him.

Eternal Life: A Present Possession

Jesus does not say, “will have eternal life,” but “has eternal life.” The moment faith takes hold of Christ, eternal life is granted. This is not merely a future hope but a present reality. The believer lives in the eternal even now. Though we dwell in mortal bodies, though we walk in a world still wracked by sin, we have already crossed the threshold into divine life.

What comfort this brings! The one who belongs to Christ will never face judgment. There is no fearful expectation of condemnation (Romans 8:1). The Judge of all the earth has declared them free, and no accusation can stand against them.

Passing from Death to Life

The phrase “has passed from death to life” is particularly powerful. The Greek verb used here (μεταβέβηκεν, metabebēken) implies a decisive, completed action. It is not a gradual transition, not a slow ascent from darkness into light, but an instantaneous transformation. At the moment of faith, the believer moves from a state of spiritual death; where sin reigns, where wrath is certain; to a state of spiritual life, where grace abounds and Christ’s righteousness is their covering.

This is reminiscent of Israel’s exodus. When the Israelites passed through the Red Sea, they left Egypt behind forever. Pharaoh’s dominion was broken. The sea closed behind them, and their past bondage was drowned. So it is with the believer: once enslaved to sin, once captive to the prince of this world, they have now crossed over into the freedom of Christ’s kingdom. No returning to bondage, no fear of Pharaoh’s chariots—their place is now with the redeemed.

Living as One Who Has Crossed Over

If we have passed from death to life, our lives must reflect this reality. Do we live as those freed from condemnation, walking in boldness and love (1 John 4:17-18)? Do we rest in the assurance that judgment is behind us, not before us? Do we hear and obey His word, proving that we truly belong to Him?

To live as one who has crossed over means:

  • Rejoicing in assurance – We do not waver in doubt, for Christ’s promise is sure.
  • Walking in obedience – Those who have new life must walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).
  • Proclaiming the Gospel – If the voice of Christ raised us from death, we now echo His voice to others, calling them to life in Him.

A Final Word of Comfort

John 5:24 is a bedrock promise for the believer. There is no condemnation, no uncertainty, no wavering. The one who believes has already crossed the great divide. They do not fear death, for they have already died with Christ and risen with Him (Galatians 2:20). The judgment that should have been theirs fell upon the Savior, and now, clothed in His righteousness, they stand secure.

So hear the word of Christ, believe in the Father who sent Him, and rest in the truth that you have passed from death to life. There is no greater hope, no greater security, no greater joy.

“Truly, truly,” the Lord has spoken—let our souls take refuge in His promise.

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